Mr. Robert Alonso
Pre-Cal, Calculus, Honors Pre-Calculus
9 years at CSHM
email: ralonso@cshm.org |
Mr. Christian Arnold
US History, Government, Sports Medicine
8 years at CSHM
email: carnold@cshm.org
Ms. Lisa Baird
Geometry, Honors Geometry, Algebra I
Chess Club Moderator
13 years at CSHM
email: lbaird@cshm.org |
Mr. Frank Blanco
Studio Art, Drawing, Lit. & Comm.
Art Club Moderator
1 year at CSHM
email: fblanco@cshm.org |
Ms. Carmen Cabrera
Foreign Language Department Chair
AP Spanish, AP Spanish Lit, Spanish II
20 years at CSHM, 19 years at SHM
email: ccabrera@cshm.org |
Mr. John Clark
Physics, Algebra II, Honors Algebra II
1 year at CSHM
email: jclark@cshm.org |
Mrs. Charlotte Dallal
World History, French I & II
Freshman Class Moderator
French Club Moderator
20 years at CSHM, 11 years at SHM
email: cdallal@cshm.org |
Mr. Patrick Falk
Biology, AP Biology
3 years at CSHM
email: pfalk@cshm.org |
Mrs. Rebecca Kramer
Social Studies Department Chair
Psychology, Algebra I
20 years at CSHM, 13 years at SHM
email: rkramer@cshm.org |
Sr. Charlene Mader
2 years at Cantwell
4 years at CSHM
email: cmader@cshm.org |
Mrs. Ethel Malveaux
Algebra I, History of Christianity
6 years at CSHM
email: emalveaux@cshm.org |
Ms. Consuelo Moreno
Fine Arts Department Chair
Lit. & Com., American Lit, Chorus, Concert Band, Yearbook
Musical Director, Band Club Moderator
7 years at CSHM
email: cmoreno@cshm.org |
Mr. James Murphy
Government, World History
ASB Moderator
2 years at CSHM
email: jmurphy@cshm.org |
Mr. Andre Nicdao (CSHM Class of 1992)
Christian Lifestyles, Survey of Lit.
Associate Campus Minister
8 years at CSHM
email: anicdao@cshm.org |
Mr. Andrew Ocampo
Business and Technology Department Chair
Biology, Multimedia Design, History of Christianity, ESL
Computer Club Moderator
13 years at CSHM
email: aocampo@cshm.org |
Mr. Will Schmitz
AP English, AP Lit & Comm. II, Honors English Lit.
9 years at CSHM
email: wschmitz@cshm.org |
Mr. Dale Stanhope
American Lit, Honors American Lit, Drama, Film
Film Club Moderator
14 years at CSHM
email: dstanhope@cshm.org |
Mr. Kim Taylor
Health, US History, Pre-Algebra
Head Football Coach
8 years at CSHM
email: ktaylor@cshm.org |
Mrs. Tovar-Olivas
Spanish II, Scripture
Sophomore Class Moderator
Spanish Club Moderator
18 years at CSHM
email: mtovar@cshm.org |
Ms. Rebecca Velasquez (SHM Class of 1978)
Summer School Director
Introduction to Literature, Lit. & Comm.
Ballet Folklorico Moderator
Blood Drive Coordinator
20 years at CSHM
email: rvelasquez@cshm.org |
Sister Rose Marie Wilson, OSF
Library Director
Literary Club Moderator
20 years at CSHM, 5 years at Cantwell
email: srmwilson@cshm.org |
Mrs. Lucy Zuniga
English/World Lit., Drama, Christian Lifestyles
CA State Thespian Board Member
Drama Club Moderator, Comedy Sport Club Moderator
Kairos Team Member
7 years at CSHM
email: lzuniga@cshm.org |